Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Milk Tea Ice Cream in Milk tea Country!

Upon Arriving in Taipei, my friend Perry (Chua) raved about this Milk Tea Ice Cream dessert drink. I'm not that fond of anything too sweet that is why i shrugged it off at first. My first encounter with this Milk Tea store was when we visited Danshui. But since I was so tired from walking, I wanted a sour citrus drink so I opted for their lemon green tea variant. It was good. But I cant say I haven't tasted something similar after the deluge of Milk tea / Tea Stores in the Philippines. On my last day in Taiwan, I accidentally came across this Milk tea outlet (which locals say, is by far the best!) and I tried their Ice Cream Milk Tea. 

It was unbelievably heaven on Earth!!!

In the Philippines, Gong Cha offers the same thing. But it's too sweet, and they put the Ice cream on top, which makes it too messy when you puncture it with a straw.

This Ice Cream Milk Tea from Fiftea uses Mango Sherbet as the ice cream component. They settle it at the bottom, put a layer of Oolong, then milk. Its only 35NT. Cheaper by half the amount of its Philippine counterpart. 

I wish i sought my friends advice to try it immediately.

A peice of advice though. Zero ice, okay! I had the mistake of putting so much ice. You dont need the ice anymore because of the ice cream.

And you'll be short of the milktea
while you're still halfway through the sherbet.

That's me smiling from ear-to-ear.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Hotpot in Hotpot Nation

First Order of Business.
Photo by Lorraine Tan.

What to do in Hotpot Country? TienWaiTien!!!

This is TienWaiTien found alonh Kunming St. in Taiwan. Selections are fresh and there are a lot of hotpot goodies to choose from.

There is also unlimited Haagen Dasz. 

As you can see, everything is fresh 

More food!